Uptech Today


CASL Compliance Policy

Effective Date:  01-01-2024

Policy Statement:

Uptech Today is committed to complying with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) to ensure ethical and responsible electronic communication practices. This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures that all employees and representatives must follow when engaging in commercial electronic messaging activities on behalf of Uptech Today.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and representatives of Uptech Today who are involved in sending commercial electronic messages (CEMs) or managing electronic communication platforms.

Policy Details:
  1. Consent:
    • All CEMs sent by Uptech Today must be sent with the recipient’s consent.
    • Consent may be express or implied, as defined by CASL.
    • Employees must obtain and maintain records of consent in accordance with CASL requirements.
  2. Identification:
    • All CEMs sent by Uptech Today must clearly identify the sender and provide accurate contact information.
    • Employees must ensure that the sender’s identity and contact information are prominently displayed in every message.
  3. Unsubscribe Mechanism:
    • Every CEM sent by Uptech Today must include a visible and functional unsubscribe mechanism.
    • Recipients must be able to easily opt out of receiving further communications from Uptech Today.
  4. Content Requirements:
    • All CEMs sent by Uptech Today must contain the necessary information as required by CASL, including the sender’s identity, contact information, and a clear mechanism for opting out.
    • Employees must ensure that all CEMs comply with CASL content requirements.
  5. Training and Education:
    • Uptech Today will provide training and education to employees on CASL requirements and best practices for electronic communication.
    • Employees must complete CASL training upon joining the company and participate in regular refresher training sessions as required.
  6. Monitoring and Compliance:
    • Uptech Today will monitor electronic communication activities to ensure compliance with CASL.
    • Employees found to be in violation of CASL or this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Policy Compliance:
  • Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all employees and representatives of Uptech Today.
  • Any questions or concerns regarding CASL compliance should be directed to the Compliance Officer or designated compliance team.
Policy Review:

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure alignment with current CASL regulations and best practices.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at
244. 5th Ave. Brooklyn, New York 11215, US
Phone Number:
+1 620 498 5734
Email :
[email protected]