Uptech Today


Our ways of working and their impact on the office of the future

The shift to hybrid work is not just about practical things like convenience and cost-effectiveness. Collaborators, managers, executives: everyone now has the opportunity not only to reinvent their way of working and their time, but also to redefine the intrinsic notion of work itself. And this phase of reflection involves studying in depth how the’physical environment of an office space can and should evolve.

This fundamental evaluation of the « ideal office » intervenes in parallel with the’introduction of’a multitude of innovations in the fields of technology, equipment and design. Augmented reality and the concept of « neighborhoods », for example, encourage organizations to project their vision of the office of the future in the near future.

Collaborators, leaders, managers and contributors have never felt so free to act on their way to’ engage in their work on the physical and mental plane. With the’essor of hybrid work, the office no longer directly competes with the home. Organizations that know how to accept this new worldview expand the scope of possibilities for the creation of their office spaces

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